Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Post College Life and Stress

Graduating can be a good stress, because the knowledge that the days of long reports, essays, homework assignments and exams are coming to an end. Not only that, but it will soon be the moment that most have been anxiously waiting to get to for three, four or seven long years. However, accompanying those thoughts are the worries of increasing debt with every year one spends in school. These monetary concerns will often be pushed aside as one tries to push aside the worries of how they are ever going to pay their student loans back. They tell themselves they will easily deal with them when the time comes, but when the time does arrive, it can be a large burden that could land many new graduates into huge debt, stress and depression.

As younger students go through grade school and prepare for entering university, they will often be focused on the career that they want and the marks they will need to earn in order to get that career. Most, however, will try not to think about the loans they will have to get in order to afford their way to their career. Loans are scary enough to think about before even getting into university, but are horrifying once graduation is over and one opens the envelope that asks them for monthly payments that are more than their rent and utility bills are together. Many questions will run through their mind, most of all, “How am I ever going to pay this off?” Some will immediately start to regret going to school for a degree that may even pay very little at first, depending on what profession they have been trained for. This can make matters worse for students who were only working to improve their lives, achieve their goals and ensure a brighter future for their selves. Many will feel that they have been pushed into a corner, have had heavy changes wrapped around them and feel that they have been lured into a promising venture that only ended with their being turned into slaves of the banks. Despair and hopelessness set in, frustration begins to build and it seems like their goals have been pulled away from their reach as their debt is shoved into their faces. They feel that they are beyond help and feel that they are left with only a few options to get out of their situation.

In past decades, most would turn away from help because they felt too uncomfortable about seeing a counselor in person. These days, students are turning to online counseling to help them deal with their stress and mounting debts. One can easily get in touch with an online counselor by doing a quick search online. Once in touch, the online therapist will work with the individual to deal with their stress and even help them work through their financial difficulties. Online therapy can help a person to get back on their feet, let go of the despair they feel and move forward to accomplishing their goals.

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Sunday, October 26, 2008

What do you do when you lose your job?

Losing a job, regardless of the reasons, can be an extremely stressful time for anyone, especially if finances are tight. With the way things are going in the economy and stock market these days, many employees, even those who have been with the company a long time, are running the risk of losing their jobs. Companies are trying very hard to stay in business; unfortunately, one of the many things they do to accomplish this is to save money by having fewer salaries and wages to pay. They can no longer keep on as many employees, so they lay some of their workforce off.

It can be frustrating, especially for someone who has been with a company for twenty or so years, to be let go. As if the stress of losing the job wasn’t bad enough, other worries start to enter the mind, such as where the money is going to come from to pay the rent or mortgage, where the food will come from for the family and so on. It can be, and is, a lot of weight for one, or even two people within the relationship, to handle. Working through it can seem impossible and there only appears to be nothing but difficulties ahead. Hope is lost, the desire to fight through their troubles is gone and the individual falls into debt and mounting stress.

There is hope and there are ways of getting through this kind of difficulty, but it takes one to stop, take a deep breath and look for help. It can help to talk to someone, to help sort through the mess and chaos created by the loss of a stable situation. Many people will immediately jump to the assumption that there is no help for them or their families, and that the only option for them is to accept defeat with any consequences that may come with it. The truth is that there is help out there for anyone who takes a moment to look and ask for it, and it’s not necessarily by seeking help from a counselor or therapist in person. There are online counselors who are available to anyone who needs help.

Online counseling is available to anyone who can gain access to the internet and is there so that more people can get the help they need. An online counselor will work with anyone who feels that the stress is becoming too much for them to deal with. Many will shy away from going to therapy to find some help, or even to talk to someone, because they feel too uncomfortable about it. Going through online therapy can be easier because while the confidentiality still exists, the person can communicate with an online therapist from the comfort of their own home. Whether it is just to talk with someone, or to find someone to help them get through this hard time in their life, an online therapist is available through chat rooms, chat forums and e-mail.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How do you deal with past trauma?

Dealing with past trauma is not an easy task, especially when some will try to work it out on their own. Unfortunately, many believe that the only way to deal with the trauma is to either ignore it or block it from their memory; neither are healthy or long-term ways to deal with such trauma. Not dealing with it means that the emotions have not been dealt with and healing can’t begin. Problems can arise later on as one doesn’t face their trauma and the resulting stress can manifest itself in ways that can complicate their life. For example, they may sabotage their personal and/or work life without realizing it, or even intending to. Other problems that may arise include phobias or compulsive obsessive behavior. Sabotaging, phobias or altered behavior are all signs that something more serious may need to be dealt with. Developing a phobia or having a change in behavior could be the result of the mind trying to find a way to deal with the stress from the trauma that has not been addressed.

Most who realize they can’t deal with the past on their own will seek help because they just can’t seem to cope and move on without the memories coming back to haunt them. This can develop into a serious problem where a person finds it difficult to work and go about their lives, because they are forever being distracted by memories of that event; they find that they feel trapped in the moment. It is unfortunate, but many will often not seek help because they don’t want to make an appointment to go in and see a counselor or therapist, either because it is too far to travel and it’s difficult to get to the office, or they feel too uncomfortable and/or embarrassed. Some may even go through denial, because they don’t want to, or cannot, accept what has happened to them. While these reasons could be understood to a degree, they are no longer acceptable excuses if one wants to get past the event and move on with their lives. It is for the good of a person’s mental health that they seek professional help.

Thanks to today’s technology, there is another option to seeing a professional in person, and it is the internet. An online counselor is available for those who find the computer at home a more convenient way of contacting someone. All one has to do is get on their computer and contact an online therapist by messaging them, either through e-mail or on the online forum. All information is kept confidential and it is a great way for one to ask questions and get the help they need. The online therapist will work with the individual to face and deal with the traumatic event so that they may eventually go on with their lives without haunting memories distracting them. Online counseling can be done at any time and from anywhere there is an internet connection. These online counselors and therapists are available online so they can be accessible to just about anyone who feels they could greatly benefit from some online therapy.

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Friday, October 17, 2008

Does change in the household cause stress?

When most think about the causes of stress, they tend to think about a place they have to go to where they feel the most stress, such as work or school. Stress-causing situations people will not think about include going somewhere new, or going through some major changes in their own home. Changes of any kind in the home can create a great deal of stress, even if most don’t realize it.

The home, wherever it may be, is where a person can feel safe and comfortable. It is an area they are familiar with as everything is placed just where they want it, and the atmosphere is exactly what they have created to make themselves feel at home. It is the perfect place to relax and get away from the day’s stresses and, for the most part, a stress-free zone that most enjoy coming back to, until things change. Whether it’s the addition of another family member or renovations of any kind the elimination of the same familiar, comfortable area causes. Even though it is still a home, the changes are altering the atmosphere and/or the physical appearance of the home, which means that the familiarity with the space is being taken away.
It depends on the age of the individuals involved, as well as whether they are able to adapt well to change or not that will determine if the stress level is low or not. Younger people who are more excited about change to create their own comfort space and who might even be trying to start a family might not feel too stressed, because the stress they do feel is excitement about the changes they are making. Older people, or people who don’t really like change, who have to make changes even if they don’t really want to, might have a more difficult time in making the changes and will feel more stressed as a result. The difference with their stress is that they might feel crowded or uncomfortable and might not feel that they can make their new area feel like the home they had before. They want the old way back, but they realize that these changes are not going to make that possible and this can become frustrating and overwhelming, especially if the person has been living the same way and in the same situation for five or more years. They have become comfortable with their routine and way of life and a disruption of it is not always easily accepted.

In many cases, the cause of the stress can easily be identified by the person experiencing it because it’s fairly easy to see the changes going on around them, though there are some who don’t quite see the connection between the subtle changes going on around them and the stress they feel. Either way, consulting an online counselor could be useful. Getting some help through online counseling to deal with the mounting stress is always a good idea and can help make the transition from the old to new easier. Especially for those who are feeling a higher level of stress, regardless of whether they are aware of what the cause of it might be or not, communicating with an online therapist can be extremely helpful. Through online therapy, a person can be helped to identify where their stress might be coming from, and then find out what they can do to deal with their stress.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What is Acousticophobia?

When someone has an intense fear of sound and noise, they are probably suffering acousticophobia. These people have such a fear of sound that they will often be easily startled, sweat, become more nervous, or feel extremely anxious. Fear is a natural instinctive feeling that people have in order to remain safe. When this fear becomes magnified too much it can cause a person great disruption in their lives, especially in the case of acousticophobia. There are always sounds going on around us and for someone to have a fear of these sounds can make life a nightmare for some.

There are some cases where a person might think it is normal to be startled by every loud sound enough that it makes the heart stop, but the truth is that this is not normal. When a person realizes that they might fear something enough that it causes disruptions in their life, they might be suffering a phobia. For anyone who believes they might have a phobia, but are not entirely sure, they can consult an online therapist who can give them advice and answers to the person’s fears. Of course, for someone who prefers to talk on the phone rather than use the internet, there are phone therapists available. These options are great for anyone who might just be inquiring about themselves, or about someone else they love, but consulting an online therapist or online counselor can be of help. Online therapy and online counseling can help you go to the right direction. Anyone who might be suffering from acousticophobia and is serious about getting help for their phobia should speak with an online therapist through webcam therapy. Doing this helps the therapist to see the patient’s face, their actions and get a clear understanding of the difficulties that the patient has. This way, the therapist can have an easier time diagnosing the patient without error and they can then treat the patient accordingly. Talking on the phone or through chat therapy doesn’t quite allow the therapist to observe the patient while they are talking with them and might misunderstand what it is the patient is feeling. What is comes down to is that people are social beings and can often relate better with others by seeing them through a webcam.

There are both medicinal and non-medicinal treatments available. It might take some time, but if the patient works with the online therapist they can figure out the probably cause of the phobia and figure out the treatment that best helps the patient. Every individual is unique and so not everyone will react to the same treatment the same way. This is where patience comes in, but regardless of how long it might take, nearly every patient that goes in for help for their phobia are treated successfully. It really depends on the patient and how serious they are about getting over their phobia. If a patient wants to get rid of their phobia and live a better life, they have to be patient and be open with their therapist or counselor. Only with full cooperation will the therapist be able to help the patient get over their phobia.

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Monday, October 13, 2008

What is pyschotherapy?

Psychotherapy is used in online counseling a single individual, a couple, a marriage, or even a family. It is where the online therapist, or the online counselor, will help the patient(s) improve their mental health through various different techniques, such as conversation, artwork, drama, or therapeutic touch. It is probably one of the older forms of therapy as it appeared to have started in the early 1800s, though it is believed it may have already started in the Middle East many centuries earlier than this. Psychotherapy is meant to bring out the feelings that make the patient feel uncomfortable, so the online therapist will work to try and find what type of psychotherapy will work best with the patient. Of course, it also helps if the patient is honest with the online therapist in telling with type works for them as they experiment to find the right one.

What kinds of psychotherapy are there? There is psychodynamic psychotherapy, interpersonal psychotherapy, cognitive behavior therapy, and the mental health model. Psychodynamic psychotherapy is what will hopefully help the patient to find out more about the issues that affect them the most emotionally. Once these are found, the online therapist will help the patient to deal with these emotional issues. This is meant to help an individual find healthy ways to deal with things that normally bother with them so that they can interact properly with the world around them.

Interpersonal psychotherapy is meant to focus more on the patient and how they are affected by the relationships they are involved in. It is thought that some people may be affected by some depressions as a result of difficulties in the current relationships they have, whether it is with a boyfriend, or girlfriend, or a difficulty with one or both of their parents.

Cognitive behavior online therapy is from the belief that a person’s thoughts can have a rather large impact on their emotions. If a person were to have too many negative thoughts running through their mind, they might feel more pessimistic and negative about life, which could lead to depression and anxiety about life. Cognitive behavior online therapy works to identify the negative thoughts the patient has, then the online therapist, or online counselor, will work with the patient to develop more positive thoughts to encourage a more positive outlook in life. By doing this, it is thought it could help the patient feel less depressed and anxious about life.

The mental health model focuses on the issues the individual may have. Then, the online therapist, or online counselor, will work with the individual to learn how to deal with the emotions caused by these issues, because only when a person can keep control of their emotions can they then focus on the issues causing them difficulties.

There might be a few different types of psychotherapy, but they all share a few elements that are similar. In simple terms, they all help to get the individual, or group of people, to gain more control of their emotions. Then, once these people have control, they can start exploring what the true issue, or problem is, that is bring out these emotions in a person, or group of people.

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Saturday, October 11, 2008

How do you deal with the first few years of parenting?

The first few years of becoming a parent can be the best years, but it can also be the most trying. This is the point where the strength of the relationship between the married couple will be tested. Becoming a parent is not easy, especially if a couple did not prepare for it. Others carefully plan for it and have little difficulty with starting a family. The first three years will be the most demanding of all the stages in many ways; however, some parents will always remember those years as the best years. This is not to say that the other stages will not be as good, it is just that the first three years are the most unique time of parenting in a number of ways.

When a baby is first born, it is completely depended on its parents for everything. During the first four months when the baby is referred to as a newborn, they do little but eat and sleep. They are not yet strong enough to even try crawling around. They can move their heads, but will be unable to hold their head off their pillow for a very long length of time and will only be able to move around with the help of their mother or father. After these first four months, the baby will grow rapidly until it becomes a toddler at about the age of three. Seeing this growth is really an amazing thing; especially when one considers how small the individual was when it was first born and then sees how far it has come in no more than three years.

While there will be many moments of enjoyment during these years, they can also take their toll on the parents. Babies don’t have a fixed eating or sleeping schedule. They will need to be fed on a regular basis and while they will sleep a lot, they have a tendency to wake up at odd times. It is during this time that the marriage can become strained because the baby will demand much of the mother’s attention while the husband can feel neglected, or the parents can stand up to the challenge and work at it together. These first few years can easily be turned into something that will strengthen the marriage, more so for parents who properly prepared themselves for the baby. The demands of the baby can be a lot, but they will not keep up forever. The parents will need to work together to ensure that the baby gets what it needs, but they also need to remember that they will need some alone time together. When the baby gets older and less dependent, they will be easier to leave with a babysitter, like a family member or close friend, and the parents can go out for some time together.

The first few years of parenting will often be easier the second time around, but for couples who are doing it for the first time, it can seem like too much to handle. Consulting a family online therapist can be a saving grace for couples new to parenting and even couples who have been through it before. Online counselors are also available for convenience through online therapy. The online family therapist can work with the parents through online counseling to sort out a schedule that can bring some order to the apparent chaos for the parents, and they can help with any other problems the parents might have.

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Thursday, October 9, 2008

What is psychoanlytical therapy and what does it mean to you?

Psychoanalytical therapy is meant to go deep into the patient’s subconscious to find what is at the root of his or her conflicts and motivations that have an affect on the emotions, attitude and his or her behavior. Usually, this is done through analyzing the dreams the patient has had, or by using the technique of free association where the patient is supposed to say the first thing that comes to mind in response to a picture, or word. The process of psychoanalytical therapy can take a short or longer period of time, depending on the patient’s willingness to be open and give all the necessary information freely rather than holding back. While it can also depend on what condition the patient is affected by, it can often become a lengthy process when a patient holds back a thought, or some information, whatever the reason. This can make it difficult for the therapist to clearly understand what the inner conflicts are within the patient; however, when these conflicts are found, the therapist can then help the patient deal with these conflicts properly.

Now that it is basically understood what psychoanalytical therapy is, the next question arises as to why anyone would need to participate in this type of therapeutic activity. Psychoanalytical therapy is actually one of the more popular forms of online therapy as well as the most well-known of the many types of online counseling that exist. There will be times a patient has been diagnosed with a type of depression, or they are reacting to certain situations in a negative way instead of how they should act, or perhaps the patient is suffering from some type of phobia. It could be that there is something triggering this difficulty in the patient from an unconscious level, meaning the patient is not consciously aware of what is causing their behavior or uncontrollable emotions.

As mentioned before, psychoanalytical therapy is where the online therapist, or online counselor, will get the person to make associations, by saying the first thing that enters their mind when they see a picture or hear a word. Another way the online therapist will do this is by analyzing the patient’s dreams as it is thought that dreams are created out of the information the brain takes in about the daily activities, both on a conscious and unconscious level. Through either, or both of these types of analysis, the professional and the patient might be able to figure out what is causing the distress. Once the distress has been found, the professional will then help their patient find a way to deal with it so they can continue living their lives without further difficulties.

When looking at any type of online therapy or online counseling technique, it is important to first clear the mind of the stereotype that may have been created, through books and/or movies, that can often create a negative view of these proven methods. While psychoanalytical therapy might not be for everyone, it has been known to help many people to find out what their problematic issues are, giving them the opportunity to deal with them properly so they are no longer hampered by them.

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What is Achluophobia?

It is common for many young children to be afraid of the dark because they think that there are monsters hiding under their beds and in their closets. Other children might even be terrified of the dark because of some of the nightmares that many children will have. These sorts of fears come about as a result of things that they don’t yet quite understand and this lack of understanding can be manifested into fear of the unknown, such as being afraid of the dark. Of course, this is usually easily taken care of by installing a nightlight, or the child will grow out of it as they get older and understand that there is really nothing there to be afraid of. However, there are many adults, both men and women, who have an uncontrollable fear of the dark and of what they can’t see. This fear can easily develop into a phobia that is known as achluophobia. People who suffer this will often suffer symptoms such as anxiety, nervousness, insomnia and/or sweating. If a person goes on suffering this for long enough without getting the help that they need from an online counselor, they will not be able to function properly in their lives as a result of their anxiety.

For anyone who might believe they have an unhealthy fear of the dark, seeking the help of a professional such as an online therapist or online counselor would be a very good idea. If a person is not entirely sure that they actually have this phobia, there is online therapy where you can get some advice from. There are also a telephone counselor who people can talk to if they prefer talking to someone rather than using e-mail. Both of these options are easy enough to utilize for anyone seeking some advice or asking about their possible condition. While both the telephone counseling and online counseling are great options, webcam therapy might be the best choice and sure to have the best benefits. The reason for this is that an online therapist or online counselor who is able to talk to their patient can also read a person’s expressions and body language. These readings combined with what the patient is describing can help the therapist to make the right diagnosis. If the diagnosis is that the patient is in fact suffering from achluophobia, then they can move on and suggest a therapy that may help the patient. There are, of course, both medicinal and non-medicinal therapies available and all have a different effect on different people because everyone is unique. Sometimes it might take a little trial and error, but the therapist will work with the patient to find the best way to help the patient get over their phobia.

There are treatments available for anyone who is suffering from achluophobia. Most people who go in for therapy are treated successfully and no longer suffer serious anxiety from the dark. This can have a huge negative impact on a person’s life if it goes untreated. Seeking the help of a therapist puts a person back on the right track to improve their life.

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Thursday, October 2, 2008

What should you consider to become a parent?

Some will claim that the first two or three years of parenting can be the most demanding and difficult time out of all the stages; others will claim that the teenage years are by far the more difficult to deal with. Both are right in that all families are different and have their own unique problems. Some families will find the teenage years the easier as their children become more mature, while others encounter nothing but problems. It all depends on how the parents raise their children and how close their family unit is. The first few years of parenting are enjoyable for most, without doubt, but it can also be a trying time, especially for people who are on their first child and are going through it for the first time.

How much trouble can a baby under three years be? They can be no trouble, but then they can seem like a lot of trouble. It all depends on the mood, the circumstance and whether the baby was planned for or not. All of these can have an impact on whether the child is seen as an added complication or not. Whatever the circumstance, most made the choice at some point to have the child and few regret it. For about the first three years of its life, the child is completely dependent on its parents and requires a lot of attention, especially from the mother because she is often the primary caregiver. It can be both exhausting and rewarding. It can be exhausting in that the child has no regular sleep or eating patterns, can sometimes seem like it is always crying and finding a babysitter for the first few weeks is not in question as it needs its mother the most at that time. Seeing the child grow and develop; taking its first few steps, saying its first word and becoming a little more independent can make it all worth it for the parents. People thinking about becoming parents will often focus more on the good things about it and forget about considering the fact that it can be a strain on the marital relationship, especially if they are not prepared for it. A couple has to ensure they are ready to take on the responsibility before making the decision, because not being ready could lead to many complications in the near and far future. This is why it is often recommended that parents who are seriously considering a child should consider online therapy.

An online therapist and an online counselor are available for anyone who is looking for answers, suggestions and advice. The online therapist can discuss the reality of parenting with the couple and can make it all clear in an impartial way so that the parents are aware of the choice they are considering. Communication through online counseling in regards to parenting can help in that the online therapist can help the couple decide whether or not they are really prepared to become parents; some will be ready, but others might not be ready. When having a child, it is always better for the parents and their relationship to be prepared for the added responsibility and extreme change to their life. One must also remember the possible child in this. Whether a couple is ready or not will have a direct impact on how the child is raised, as well as how they develop mentally.

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What is therapy?

Before understanding what therapy is about, one must first understand what the word means. As is the case with many medical terms, therapy was derived from a Greek term and is the attempt of treating a problem a patient is diagnosed with. In plain and simple terms, therapy means treatment. Treatment can take the form of certain prescriptions or exercises, depending on the problem. What are the specific forms that therapy can take? Believe it or not, there are so many types of online therapy a person could easily write a book on it. There are therapies that deal with both mental and physical issues. Therapies that deal with the psychological aspect include art therapy, behavioral therapy, cognitive analytical therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, online counseling, and occupational therapy.

Art therapy is what some patients may participate in to find a better understanding of their self and who they truly are. Behavioral therapy is often used in cases where people suffer from phobias. In this case, the medical professional will help the patient change how they feel about certain things by changing what the patient normally does. Cognitive analytical therapy is where the professional helps the patient work out what happened in the past and help the patient to start moving forward in their lives without being held back by a past incident. Cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on the negative thoughts and how they can affect the patient. The online therapist then helps the patient find a way to pick out those thoughts and focus on them in order to bring out more positive thinking. Online counseling is what many people will go through in order to work out their difficulties and emotions. Occupational therapy is where the professional will get the patient involved in some useful activity that works on building the patient’s self confidence, and then work through what is causing them difficulties.

Therapies that deal with the physical aspect include geriatric therapy, neurological therapy, orthopedic therapy, and pediatric therapy. Geriatric therapy deals more with older people as they go through the normal aging process. As these people age, they can develop problems such as arthritis or cancer that can often be helped by geriatric therapy. It can help an older person increase their mobility and reduce any pain they might be suffering. Neurological therapy is often used on people who have suffered a brain or spinal injury, or suffer from diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Orthopedic therapy deals with people who have received an injury to any of their bone structure, or for helping people who have been through orthopedic surgery. Pediatric therapy is what is used to detect early signs of health problems. Pediatric therapy also focuses on helping children who suffer from a number of different disorders such as spinal bifida and cerebral palsy.

Depending on the problem, there is probably a specific type of therapy for it. An online counselor can help you decide what type of therapy is right for you. While the therapies mentioned above don’t really mention medication, some therapeutic programs do combine the therapy with a prescription to help the patient through treatment. These are only a few of the vast number of different therapies out there. It changes from patient to patient as a result of their particular situation and condition, as well as who the professional is and what they feel would be in the patient’s best interest. New therapies also continue to be developed every day as more is found out about diseases and sicknesses that affect the human population.

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