Monday, March 23, 2009

How do you avoid stress burnout?

Good and bad stress can be created by just about any situation and depending on what the situation is, it can either be easy to deal with or very difficult. Good stress can be great for any individual because it can help a person get something done, such as a project for work or school. Good stress can also be good for the heart, because it is caused by excitement such as getting married, having one’s first kid or even graduating from high school. Bad stress, however, is stress that has no real benefit, no real reason to be there other than to create problems for the individual.

Stress that can create a problem for a person, often referred to as ‘bad’ stress, is stressed caused by a hard day at work, a fight with the significant other, or hard financial times. These are just a few of the reasons why someone might be suffering from bad stress. When not dealt with, stress can continue to build, eventually leading to someone becoming irrational, depressed, anxious and may lose interest in hobbies, their job and even their friends. Not taking the time to help one’s self, to collect one’s thoughts or to just get away from the day-today- activities of a sometimes hectic world, can get to anyone who has neglected to take a time out every once in a while.

Taking the time to stop and pull one’s self out of the daily rush is very important for anyone looking to ward off stress and the eventual health results, such as depression, problems with the heart or problems with blood pressure to name a few. Taking time out means taking an hour out of every day, or a day out once a week to do what you would like to do. Perhaps you have a hobby you have not taken the time out to do for a while, or maybe you would like a quiet day to yourself to read, draw or go to a spa; whatever it is that you would like to do for that time is not important, as long as it is something relaxing that you want to do.

For anyone who has lived a fairly busy life without too many breaks, it is easy for one to be a little lost at what they would like to do with that time off. When one has not given their self many opportunities to do something on their own time, hobbies are not developed, nor are many other interests. A good place to start could be on the computer, where one can speak with an online counselor about how they can find ways to deal with their stress. Online counseling might seem a bit extreme, but it isn’t if one thinks about it. An online therapist can easily be more of a guide to help a person learn ways of dealing with their stress, as well as figuring out what they should probably be doing with their time. Online therapy can be a great help to someone looking to make some time for their self, and live a more relaxed life.

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What do you do if you have no ambition in life?

The workplace is filled with different kinds of people, each with their own goals and ambitions in life. Some have had their career and life goals set since they were children and have always seemed to know what they were going to do with their lives while others realized what they wanted in their lives at a later age; however, there are many others who never really had any plan for life. Some may have had set goals at one time, but for whatever reason have lost interest in them over time. Regardless of the reason for losing interest in goals, or for never really having any, it can cause some difficulty later on in life when one comes to a point when they ask themselves, “What am I doing, what do I want and why am I even here?”

Not having a direction in life, or not knowing what you really want out of life can become troubling over time. Without any goals or real ambitions, doing the same monotonous job might seem fine, though they never really get anything out of it. Over time, a life without direction or effort can lead to a few problems later in life. As one gets older, it is inevitable they will begin asking themselves what it is they feel they have done with their lives. It can often lead to someone feeling greatly disappointed in their self or even depressed, especially if they feel they have only wasted their life.

Work takes up a good portion of one’s life, which is why one should be sure they enjoy what they are doing. The best thing a person can do for themselves is to keep looking and working until they find the job they are happy with. There is little else more rewarding than coming home from a hard day’s work at a job one enjoys going to most of the time. With a relatively enjoyable job and a goal to strive for, life starts to take on a purpose and life doesn’t seem such a waste of time as it would have if there was nothing to look forward to.

Sometimes, it can be difficult for some to pinpoint what it is that they would like to strive for in life. Even looking for the kind of job a person would enjoy most can be difficult, especially for younger people under pressure to decide what they want to go into before choosing the right university to enroll in. Anyone facing these kind of road blocks in their life might find it beneficial to speak to an online counselor. One could easily find an online counseling site through which they can discreetly contact an online counselor. An online therapist would be more than happy to help sort one’s thoughts as to what direction they want to head in life. Not only will online therapy offer a person the opportunity to get an idea of what they want to get out of life, it is completely confidential and can be done from anywhere there is an internet connection.

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Monday, March 9, 2009

Are you feeling trapped in your relationship?

It would seem that along with an income, a place to live and food to eat, relationships are a necessary part of life. Humans are social beings who need companionship, though there are the few, as always, who appear to defy this need. That aside, humans, for the most part, need companionship that would allow them a best friend who will love and support them, just as they need to support and love their partner. Without this, life can seem long, boring, lonely and purposeless. This is not to say that everyone in a relationship is completely happy with it. In fact, there are some people out there who feel they are trapped in their relationship.

There are many reasons why a relationship would not work out. It is common knowledge that many relationships will end due to boredom, infidelity, loss of interest or conflict, but feeling trapped is often not listed. There are a number of reasons why a person may feel so trapped in a relationship that they refuse to leave it and try to make it work despite their feelings. They may worry about hurting their partner by telling them they are no longer interested in remaining in the relationship, feel that if they leave this relationship they will be unsuccessful in finding another one, feel they aren’t good enough to find someone else, or they may even feel that staying will avoid a threatening situation because they are possibly in an abusive and/or possessive relationship they are afraid to leave. Regardless of the reason one might feel trapped in a relationship, it is not they way someone should feel. While good, strong and healthy relationships do take some effort and work, feeling trapped is a sign that something is wrong. The next step is to figure out why one might be feeling trapped. Once the possible reason has been realized, appropriate action can be taken to deal with the trapped feeling.

It is not always easy for someone to figure out why they might be feeling trapped in a relationship, and even more difficult to figure out how to handle their situation properly. Consulting a counselor or a therapist is usually a good idea when dealing with difficulties in a relationship, especially if one would like to clear their thoughts before bringing it to the attention of their partner. For those who are not comfortable with seeing a counselor or therapist in person, they can easily contact and online counselor from their home computer as long as they have an internet connection. Online therapy is fast becoming the primary choice for many looking for some helpful advice because of how accessible it is. All one has to do is go online, open a browser and search for online counseling. There are many sites and online therapists who are offering their help online so that more people can get the help they need without feeling too uncomfortable. Online therapy is not only convenient, but confidential and successful as well.

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Are you too irritable?

Being moderately irritable every once in a while is one thing, but feeling irritable for extended periods of time is another. To be irritable means that someone may be feeling overly sensitive to some kind of stimulation through one or more of their senses, such as sight or sound. For example, someone who is highly irritable might find the tapping of a keyboard more irritating than usual. It could be a sign that the individual exhibiting or feeling the sensitivity and irritability could be overworked, exhausted, stressed or suffering from withdrawal when trying to stop an addiction. As mentioned before, many who suffer from some irritability may have a reasonable explanation for it and their feeling is only temporary; however, for those who don’t seem to have an explanation for their irritable mood that seems to continue for an extended period of time, help might not be a bad idea.

When talking about a more serious case of irritation that never seems to come to an end, it could be caused by something else other than fatigue, too much work or lack of a vacation. It could be that the person is being affected by a stress they can’t get away from, such as something more psychological. This is not to say there is anything wrong with the individual, just that irritation may be a symptom of a more serious situation. For instance, someone who is suffering from a type of depression may start to exhibit signs of increased irritation. In fact, increased irritability is a common symptom of many forms of depression. In this case, the depression needs to be addressed. Someone who is feeling more irritable should stop for a moment and just ask themselves why they may be feeling this way. If it is a friend, then sitting them down for a moment over a coffee and bringing their change in mood to their attention can be helpful for them; in either case, it can be a change that the irritated person may not fully realize. The first step to helping one’s self or their friend is to get the person to admit there might be something wrong. The second step is to find the right kind of help. Ignoring or self-medicating the problem is not going to help. At most, it will only act as a temporary band-aid for a short while before becoming a part of the problem in the future.

While many will admit there might be something, like depression, causing their irritable moods, the idea of going to a counselor or therapist in person is completely out of the question. Whatever the reason, whether it is discomfort or embarrassment, there is another alternative that many are more open to. Online counseling is becoming more popular every day. Not only is an online counselor easy to get a hold of, but a person can go through online therapy from the comfort of their own home. More are going online every day because it is easy, confidential and convenient.

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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

From disappointment to depression.

It is not uncommon to hear people talk about some disappointments in their life. Most will have some disappointments, or regrets, in general, but there are others who feel the disappointment more in themselves than in their life. They feel they have not tried hard enough, did not get the job they should have or even the family or living situation they feel that they should have. All of these kinds of things can leave a person feeling disappointed in their lives. They may also begin to feel disappointment in themselves, especially in individuals who tend to be quite critical of themselves.

It would seem that those who are more critical about themselves and tend to find more disappointment can also eventually become quite depressed. Any incentive to go on and live life normally is gone, and they begin to feel there is little point in doing anything at all. Life can seem a little dim at times, especially for those who feel they don’t have much in it worth working or living for. This can lead to deeper depression, which can then lead to further problems in life. A person who continues to fall further into this depression may feel less interested in activities they once found exciting, in spending time with friends or family they would normally spend a lot of time with, can find themselves becoming more fatigued and even lose the want to arrive at work every day. Depression can also bring on a change of mood or behavior that is out of the ordinary. Some will try to live with the depression, thinking they are not really that depressed, while others will attempt to self-medicate by alcohol and/or drugs. Regardless of how bad the depression seems or how in control a person may feel they have their depression, it is never good to go too long without proper help. Without admission that one might be depressed, or without going for help even with admission, the depression may only become worse.

It is usual for most to feel uncomfortable about going to see a therapist or counselor in person. Fortunately, there are alternatives in order to help people to get the help they need without forcing themselves into an uncomfortable situation. Today, one of the most popular alternatives is the internet. There are many online counseling sites where a person can contact an online counselor to work on their depression. These sites are confidential and can easily be accessed from the computer at home. Online therapy can be a good start for anyone trying to change their attitude about life. An online therapist will work to help someone see what they have been able to accomplish in life, and help to show the patient that their lives are worth putting some effort in to. There is little worse than waking up every morning and dreading the moment when one must get out of bed. Speaking with an online counselor can start one on the path to a more positive outlook on life.

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