Thursday, January 29, 2009

What should you do when you get frustrated at work?

It doesn’t matter where you work, who you work for or what kind of a job you have, everyone can get frustrated with work for one reason or another. Whether it is because the clients coming in the door have been disagreeable, the copy machine refuses to do what it is programmed to do or the numbers just don’t add up, there are days that seem to be overwhelmingly frustrating. While it may be true that most days the job is great, the moments or days that seem to be frustrating can sometimes push one to almost take that last step and quit. Though there are many people who would love nothing more than to quit a job they generally detest, there are others who wake up the next morning and wonder why they would ever want to quit their perfect job.

Let’s face it, no job is perfect. There are jobs that may be enjoyable, but every job has its cons that if small enough, one could work at ignoring. Many enjoy their jobs enough and find enough positives to keep going, while others can’t find enough pros about their job because they never wanted to work there in the first place. Regardless of whether the job is what a person really wanted or not, frustration can erupt when a day, or a number of days, just don’t seem to go right. What keeps people working to ignore or push away their frustration? The need to work in order to pay for the necessities of life; in many cases this one thought can be enough to throw some into a fit because they feel chained in and unable to get themselves out of the job and situation they dislike.

Whatever the cause of frustration, there is the need to deal with it properly. Ignoring it, pushing it away and letting it build over time will, in most cases, lead to a regrettable situation that cannot be undone. Left unchecked, it can also lead to depression, anger, sadness, insomnia and even heart problems. It creates a stress that no one should have to live with as they go through their life. Life should be enjoyed and living the greater part of it in misery is not at all healthy. This is why taking the time to calm down, evaluate your situation and alter yourself, your views and/or your life may be necessary in order to improve your happiness. Seeking the help or advice of an online counselor can be extremely helpful because they can help you to look into yourself, listen to yourself and then decide whether you need to make moderate or severe changes in your life to alleviate the frustration, unhappiness and unnecessary stress in your life. Doing a search for an online therapist and getting some online counseling can be helpful to anyone dissatisfied with their current work. If online therapy is not something you are looking for at this time, an online therapist would still be more than happy to offer any suggestions or advice to any questions you may have.

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How does financial stress affect physical health?

Financial stress affects most people in one way or another. Some people become stressed to the point where they will self-medicate with either alcohol or some other drug, others will work to find some help and others will eat. Depression is also a common result from this kind of stress, especially in people who are at a complete loss as to what they can possibly do to deal with their financial troubles. How they choose to self-medicate or deal with their situation will often depend on the individual.

With the economy going the way it is these days, financial strife is affecting more people, and those who were suffering enough before will most likely be in worse trouble now. This means that there will be more people looking for ways to alleviate the immense stress they are feeling when finding themselves unable to pay bills, pay for enough proper food to feed their family and finding it increasingly difficult to make rent each month. As if making ends meet weren’t bad enough already, it seems like just about everything from rent to food is jumping in price. For many, it can seem an impossible situation that continues to get worse with each passing day, especially if they are one of the many unfortunate victims of layoffs.

How does all this relate to physical health? When people are trying to make ends meet, bills will sometimes be their main focus first, while others are just unable to keep up because they prefer to try and ignore the problem instead of face it. In this world today, living beyond one’s means is easily accomplished, though many find it difficult to fix. How lack of money relates to a person’s physical health all depends on how they handle their stress, as well as how well they are eating. For most finding themselves in financial strife, they may begin gaining more weight than is healthy for them because they have changed to a diet they believe is cheaper even if it isn’t necessarily healthier. Others may find themselves losing weight because they are so focused on trying to get their bills and loans paid off that they are cutting the amount of food they are purchasing for themselves. Even children can be affected by the changes in diet their parents go through when trying to save money during tough financial times. In fact, thousands of children every day go to school hungry because their parents simply cannot afford to buy them food for breakfast.

Overeating or under eating is not the way to deal with financial stress. It will only cause health problems that may only make financial difficulties worse. Speaking with an online counselor is probably the best place to start when looking for a real way out of a poor financial situation. Online counseling can be useful to anyone who is looking for some suggestions as to how they can improve their situation. An online therapist is available to help anyone looking for some help, or even just someone to talk to, and they can help one to find the best way to deal with their unique situation. In the end, online therapy can set one on the right track to changing their financial strife into a better situation.

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

How do you handle a substance abuse related death?

When dealing with a member of the family who is either addicted to alcohol or some other hard street or prescription drug(s), there is the risk that the particular individual may eventually cause themselves great harm, or even death. Families, especially ones who were very close for the longest time, before the addiction took over, will often go through incredible suffering. First, there is the situation where the family will try their best to support their family member and work with them to find a solution to the problem. Then, when that doesn’t seem to work, the family may try to just live with the problem, hoping that it will go away. Lastly, there is the situation where the family members separate and try to leave behind, or ignore, the problem that they have been unable to fix or deal with. Not every family reacts to the problem in the same way, though the three different situations expressed will be felt by most families in such a situation in one way or another. Regardless of how they deal with it, however, many families will eventually suffer from the most undesirable situation of all where that individual who suffered from the addiction passes away.

When trying to keep a family together and coexist with the family member with the substance abuse problem, the other family members will often feel many negative feelings, such as anger, frustration, sadness and depression. It is rarely just the one with the addiction that is affected. In most cases where family involved, the entire unit is affected mentally and physically, depending on how the one with the addiction handles themselves in certain states. As the problem continues, a rift between the troubled person and the rest of their family can develop. There are many families who will remain with the individual hoping that the person will seek help one way or the other, while other families or individuals will not because they can’t stand to see the person go through the destructive cycle over and over again. There are, of course, other instances that differ from the two expressed above as every situation is unique because there are so many variables involved. Each individual who develops an addiction will often differ in their behavior from others suffering with similar problems.

Regardless of the situation, when a person does fail in their ability to deal with their addiction, the rest of the family can be greatly affected. Some will be more affect than they thought they would have. When a family member learns that one they had loved has passed away, it can feel like an empty void has entered their life. They can feel lost and stunned at first, but as the truth settles in and they accept that the unthinkable has happened, even if they partly expected it, they can go through intense, and sometimes uncontrollable, grief. In a situation like this, speaking with someone can be of great help. Finding an online counselor to speak with can be a great start. One doesn’t necessarily think of online counseling, but speaking with an online therapist can help one to organize their thoughts and deal with their grief. Online therapy can be a good way to deal with emotions that have been pent up for a long time, as well as deal with the sadness and depression brought on by the loss of one they loved.

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Monday, January 5, 2009

How do you improve your mental health?

When most people think of health, they immediately think about physical health. Many make the mistake that ensuring the body is physically healthy is all a person needs to be healthy. While it is true that being physically healthy can impact a person’s mental health in a positive way, there are many people out there who suffer from poor mental health even though they are relatively physically healthy. The fact is that a person’s mental health is just as important as a person’s physical health. Both go hand in hand with keeping a person happy and their body healthy. Think about how some people are when they have poor mental health? Their bodies tend to suffer as a result, whether it is by gaining excessive weight or they have developed a devastating addiction; both of these can lead to poor physical health.

Good mental health is extremely important if one wishes to ward of depression. However, if one believes they are suffering from some depression and are feeling unhappy or sad most days, there are some things a person can do in order to improve their mood and their mental health. The first is to get enough sleep. It can never be stressed enough that the average person in North America just doesn’t get enough sleep. The lack of sleep can lead to fatigue and emotional behavior. It is also important that a person eat well. If the body isn’t getting the right nutrients or vitamins, a person’s mental health can be negatively affected because the body is lacking what it needs. Exercising can also improve a person’s mood and mental health. Changing up the regular routine or going out more with friends can also go a long way in improving the mood.

There are some people, however, who have a difficult time improving their mood and their mental health and the above suggestions don’t seem to work. It could be that the depression is being caused by some issues from the past, could be a hereditary condition or it could be that the person has been depressed for so long they don’t know how else to act. If any of these situations are the case, then consulting an online therapist might be a good idea. All one has to do is go online, do a quick search and then contact a therapist who is offering their services online. Online therapy is becoming so common these days because it is convenient and it is an easy way of getting help without having to leave the home. Most people feel more comfortable with staying in there own home and consulting through online counseling. An online therapist can easily work with the patient to find out what might be causing their depression and they can then help the patient get out of their depression. Many people who have participated in online therapy for their depression have been successfully treated and are living better lives as a result. Anyone who believes they might be depressed and don’t know how to get out of it should contact an online counselor.

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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Does depression affect weight loss?

When people think of depression, they tend to focus more on how it affects a person mentally. It is true that depression is caused by either a chemical imbalance, a traumatic event or is a condition that is passed down through genetics; however, regardless of the reason why someone has developed depression, it can have an negative impact on a person’s physical health. It could be that they have lost interest in caring for their appearance, or lost interest in an activity they would normally enjoy on a regular business. Depression can even affect a person’s weight by either gaining or losing weight, depending on whether they have decided to try and self-medicate their depression with food or by ignoring food all together.

It is common for depression to affect a person’s weight, more so than most realize. The change in weight has even been caused by some anti-depressants that some depressed people have been prescribed; however, the common result of serious depression appears to be the loss of weight. In this situation, the person has lost interest in food or they feel they don’t deserve to eat it. It could be that they are unhappy with their appearance and they feel that they don’t deserve to eat anymore because they are already too overweight. It could be that a person feels that they don’t deserve the right to live, whether it is because they are being bullied unmercifully by others at school, or a past traumatic event has cost them a loved one who they feel should not have died. The list could go on for all the reasons why a person would lose their appetite. The point is that if this condition is allowed to go on without proper treatment, the individual can develop other conditions, such as anorexia or bulimia, where they will let themselves starve to death.

Weight loss, regardless of the reasons is a serious issue. A person who appears to be depressed, is losing weight and does not appear to have an interest in eating at all, especially as a result of guilt or just loss of interest, needs to consult a therapist or a counselor. An online therapist can help the individual figure out why they are depressed and they can also help the patient deal with their loss of appetite and weight. People who are this depressed often find it easier to get help from an online counselor, especially if they are a teenager who is worried about their personal image. Many people in the past have avoided getting the help they need because they were afraid that others would see them going in to see a therapist or counselor in person. Now, thanks to the internet, online therapy is available. People can contact an online therapist and get the help they need from the comfort of their home and their confidentiality is guaranteed. Online counseling is becoming more popular all the time as more people prefer to use it. Also, many people who have decided to go with online therapy have been successfully treated.

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