Monday, February 16, 2009

Bipolar disorder in someone that you know

Often referred to as manic depression, bipolar disorder is a condition that many will suffer in silence every day. Those with it will often suffer extreme and sudden changes in their low and high moods, energy, and concentration and want to complete projects or work. Regardless of how severe this kind of depression is for a person, it can easily get in the way of living normal lives and developing good relations with those around them. Bipolar disorder can also get in the way of a good family life, being the cause of much distress and upset in many family units. When not dealt with, this condition can become worse over time, for both the individual suffering from it and their family and friends.

As true with many types of depression, bipolar disorder or manic depression is still being studied. While it is suggested this particular condition may be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, how someone was brought up, traumatic situations or events they have lived through, genetics, or even a combination of two or more of these possible causes, a full understanding of bipolar disorder is still out of reach. This is not to say some successful treatments for this condition have not been found. In fact, many have been successfully treated for bipolar disorder and have gone on to live fully functional lives. However, the family of someone who suffers from this disorder may have some difficulty in dealing with the affected person. Helping a person to first of all realize they may have a problem and then convince them they need to find help is not always easy. Individuals with bipolar will often deny they have a problem and refuse offers of help. It is important not to come on too strong, but it is also important to keep in mind that if someone doesn’t want help, you can’t let it stop you from living your own life.

Gently encouraging someone who may have bipolar disorder to seek help through an online counselor may be one of the easiest ways to encourage one to get help. The opportunity to get some online counseling from the comfort of their home, where others will not be able to find out they are seeking therapeutic help, may be more acceptable than seeing someone in person. Many will be embarrassed or worried about what others may think of them if someone else found out they were getting some help from a counselor or therapist. Having the option of contacting an online therapist and going through some online therapy from the comfort of their own home may seem more acceptable to do. Online therapy or counseling is really no different than seeking therapy from a counselor in person, the only difference is that a person can do it from home or in an atmosphere they are most comfortable and relaxed in. Being in a comfort zone can sometimes help one who is trying to deal with their type of depression.

If you or someone that you know would like more information on this post, feel free to visit

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