Saturday, November 22, 2008

Fear, Anxiety and Test Taking

Who doesn’t become a little nervous when it is time to take a test? It is a common occurrence in schools, especially in post-secondary institutions such as universities and colleges, where students will suffer some stress and anxiety before and during a test or an exam. Why do they have anxiety? Many suffer anxiety because they are concerned about their future. They, or their parents are putting a lot of money into the institution and top marks mean that the student will make the money worth while with their success and graduation. The stress really comes in for many students who constantly worry that they just can’t possibly retain enough of the information they were supposed to have learned in order to pass the tests. A little bit of stress is healthy, in that it is what often creates some of the push or drive for a student to study and ensure that they do well in school; however, too much of this stress can actually push the student into failure.

It really doesn’t matter what age a person is, or what they are writing a test for, many will experience some anxiety before and during the test. That is normal, but there are some people out there who experience so much anxiety and stress before and during an exam that they go blank, have a panic attack and then fail the test. It can be difficult for a person, especially if they are a young student in high school or the first years of university, to gain control of their anxiety. The emotion grows out of control and ends up sabotaging their future efforts. When test or exam anxiety is not dealt with, the resulting poor marks can hurt a person’s chances of advancing that year and can even result in the loss of confidence in their abilities. After enough tests have resulted in poor marks, many students with this anxiety will start to say and believe that they are not smart enough to pass their tests.

Many laugh it off and others start to think that their failure and inability to complete tests is due to stupidity, but this is not the case. Most are suffering severe anxiety and that is what is having a negative effect on test scores. This is a real and serious condition that is best to get treated as soon as possible. The sooner the anxiety toward tests and exams is dealt with, the sooner the individual can start to calm down and achieve the marks they deserve. There are online counselors and therapists who can help a person with their anxiety toward exams. The patient can communicate with the online therapist over e-mail and the online counselor can help the patient get over their anxiety. Issues, concerns and worries are discussed through online counseling and the anxiety starts to disappear when these are addressed. In many cases, it is a matter of building up some confidence in the patient, in others it is a matter of dealing with issues that are manifesting themselves into anxiety. Whatever the reasons, online therapy can help the patient to deal with any issues they may have and to help the patient eventually get over their anxiety.

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

What do you know about teenagers and marijuana?

With all the televisions shows, movies and general stereotypes about teenagers, it’s easy for adults to believe that the majority of all teenagers use marijuana. Despite this common stereotype, few actually use it. In fact, one recent statistic has shown that only about one in every seven teenagers, on average, use marijuana. This is not to say that it’s guaranteed that your teenage will never be persuaded or interested in giving it a try, or becoming addicted to it. There are many reasons for a teenager wanting to try and use the drug, the least of which include stresses at home, school and peer pressure. Being open with your teenager as well as paying attention to changes in their mood and personality can help in catching any possible drug use early. Education and communication between parent and teenager are key when trying to discourage any drug use.

There are many reasons for teenagers to start using marijuana. There are even some teenagers whose parents would never believe they could start using the drug. It all depends on the individual, the stresses in their lives, who they hang out with and who around them might be using it. Peer pressure is a big reason for many teenagers to start using the drug, especially if they are bent on trying to become one of the popular kids. Stress is probably the second largest reason for developing a marijuana habit. It could be that the teen is going through a rough time at home. They could be stressed from their parents going through a divorce, perhaps a close family member has passed away or they may even be having difficulty in their relationship with their parents. The stress could even be a result of their attempt to achieve the high marks in school, which are often not an expectation from themselves as much as it is an expectation from their parents. Regardless of the reason, the use can become a strong addiction that could quickly lead to difficulties in school, relationships and home life.

It is normal for teenagers to experiment and it is not uncommon for some to try a smoke of regular cigarettes or marijuana, but there is always the chance that it could become an addiction they continue for many years if not dealt with. Recognizing that there might be such a problem with a teenager is the first step in a parent working to help discourage their teenager from using the drug. Being open, sitting down with the teen and discussing what could be pushing them to try the drug is a good start in helping the teen. Contacting an online counselor is a good idea as well. For both the parent and teen, trying online counseling can go a long way in helping to fix the possible problems the teen is facing. To contact an online therapist, one only has to do a quick search to find someone available to help the teen. Online therapy is preferred by many theses days and can be a great way for any teen to find the help they need.

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Saturday, November 15, 2008

What do you do when your teenager is drinking?

Let’s be honest, the problem of teenage drinking doesn’t enter the mind of most parents, especially when looking into those innocent eyes of a baby. How can they possibly grow into a teenager with an alcohol problem? It may not seem possible that it could happen to your child, but the reality is that it can and for many it will. Turning a blind eye to the possible problem and not taking any preventive measures will only make it more likely to happen. It will also most likely mean that getting the teenager to accept they have a drinking problem and deal with it will be more difficult to do.

Raising children in a healthy family relationship is the first step in helping to prevent that situation. Next is being open with your child and reassuring them that you are there to support them and help them through whatever difficulties they may go through in life. Lastly, it is to discourage the act of allowing underage children the odd drink with special meals and/or special occasions. It is not uncommon for many parents to allow their children a small glass of wine during a toast at a special dinner or occasion; unfortunately, they are introducing their children to alcohol before they understand the responsibilities that come with drinking. Besides that, alcohol is, basically, a poison to the body and can cause harm to those who drink too much at one time. Being the responsible parent who realizes that teen drinking is a very real problem in today’s world will not only seek to educate their children early on about the problems associated with drinking, they will also develop an open relationship with their children so that they feel they have support from family instead of turning to substance abuse for the answer. This effort, of course, does not entirely guarantee that your teenager will not develop a drinking problem. Keeping an eye open for signs of trouble, such as a change of personality or attitude, is a good way to be aware of whether the teenager may be developing such a problem.

If your teenager were to develop a drinking problem, catching it as soon as possible and dealing with it immediately will ensure a better chance that the teenager can deal with it; however, many parents are at a loss of what to do. Fortunately, the internet is a resource that can be crucial to helping a parent to pull their teenager away from their problem. Online counseling is a great idea for anyone who doesn’t know what to do. Online counselors offer their services online so that they are accessible to anyone who needs some help. Speaking with an online therapist may also be more comfortable for the teenager because they may not feel that their space or business is being invaded too much. Online therapy could be beneficial to both the parents and their troubled teen because they can get the advice and help they need in the comfort of their home.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What do you do when your spouse goes to jail?

Despite what anyone's view of marriage may be, it takes work and commitment to make marriage work. If one is not ready to accept they might have to be strong and fight their way through some real hardships, marriage might not be a good idea. This is not to say that all marriages were made without careful thought, there are many who do go into marriage cautiously and truly believe that they will do their best to stand beside their partner for better or for worse.

There are many predictions one can make about where their marriage might go, though having their spouse go to jail might not be one that most will think about. It all depends on the person one marries. Not everyone who goes to jail is a horrible human being, many just make mistakes in their life and jail, unfortunately, is where their mistake will lead them. It is not an easy situation for one to have their spouse go to jail. Not only can it be shocking and hard to take at first, it can be extremely upsetting for both, and time spent being apart for a long period of time can put an incredible strain on any relationship. Whether or not the marriage will live through such an event will depend on many things, including the financial situation at home, the social status of the one at home, what kind of crime the one in jail committed and how committed the couple is to making their marriage work through the time apart. It is, of course, not always an easy choice, especially if the one jailed is being put away for many years, instead of just a year or two. Many marriages have made it through, regardless of the length of time and the stress endured, though many have failed as well.

As mentioned before, one spouse going to jail can be stressful to both parties, especially if they are quite attached. Both may want the marriage to work, but there are those left behind who feel that since their spouse is going to jail for so long they don't want to wait. Instead, they feel they want to live some life while their partner is away, maybe even getting a divorce. A lot of guilt and frustration can build and overwhelm a person until they are not sure what they want to do, or even how to carry on with their lives while they wait for their loved one to come home. In a situation like this, online counseling might be a good idea. All one has to do is go online a do a quick search for an online counselor. An online therapist would be more than happy to provide some support and help for anyone dealing with the difficulties of having their partner in jail, regardless of how long they are serving time for. Online therapy could be a good way to vent and to deal with the overwhelming emotions. It can be a great way to help organize one's thoughts and decide on what they want to do.

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Saturday, November 8, 2008

Dealing with your partner's substance abuse problem

When most couples get married, there are few negative thoughts that will enter their minds; least of all is substance abuse. Most believe that when they get married, they will generally have a good marriage. Unfortunately, this is not always the case and many marriages will suffer difficulties, including problems with substance abuse. People change over time, so it is not always something that can be predicted, but it can happen. Stresses build, life becomes darker and this is where substance abuse can enter. It may not be noticed at first, but it will be when it becomes a full addiction that changes the husband’s or wife’s behavior, attitude and personality. When this does happen, it can leave the spouse without the addiction unsure of what to do next.

Can they help their partner? Should they leave or would that be wrong? How much is too much to put up with? They love this person, they care for them, but they don’t think they can keep going through it; would it be selfish to leave the spouse who refuses to change and live their own life? These are just four examples of the many questions that enter one’s mind. There is also the fear that can play into the situation, depending on what they feel they have to lose if they leave their addicted spouse. The fear involved can also depend on how verbally and/or physically abusive the spouse with the addiction can be. There is also the concern of the children, if there are any, especially if they are younger children under the age of twelve because they are incredibly impressionable during their younger years.

Dealing with such a situation is extremely stressful and draining. It is not one that anyone wants to experience, but many do around the world every day. At first, many will try and help their husband or wife fight their addiction; sometimes they are successful, other times they are not. Many will live in the situation for many years, while some will leave after a short time. It all depends on how long someone wants to, and can, try and put up with the situation and make the marriage work.

Going through such an experience is not only unnerving; it is confusing, frustrating and painful. It can make the victim feel very alone in the world and at a loss of what to do. Time stops for them and they are suddenly not living at all, just going through the motions every day, walking on eggshells and hoping that things will get better. What many don’t realize, is that there is someone they can talk to. They even have access to an online counselor if they did a quick search online for online counseling. An online therapist is there to talk with anyone who asks for their help. They will work with the patient and help to guide them through their difficulties. Online therapy can be extremely beneficial to anyone who needs to find some direction in their life and decide on what they should do, because it can help them take some time out and seek out what they truly feel they should do.

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

How do children deal with their parent's substance abuse?

Children of parents who have a problem with substance abuse are all affected differently, depending on how old they are, how their parents behave with their addiction and how the children react to any abuse and stress they experience. Some children will become withdrawn, while others may become extremely independent and extroverted. Some children may even follow the behaviors of their parent or parents and develop an addiction, though not necessarily the same addiction.

Regardless of what the abuse is, children are thrown into an unstable, chaotic and unpredictable environment that can leave a child feeling at a complete loss of what to do. They are torn between their feelings of love and the frustration for their parents. They never know what to expect and are constantly uncertain as to what they can do to improve the situation at home. Some children will feel that they are the cause of their parent’s addiction, either because their parent has told them they are or they feel that bad behavior and / or poor marks on their part is the main cause of the problem. Children, especially younger children, do not quite understand what is going on, so when they feel they might be the cause, they fully believe they can possibly change their parent’s behavior by altering their own. Fear plays into these situations as well, especially if the parent is mentally and physically abusive. All these emotions together can be overwhelming for the child and they can be traumatized by such events well into their future. In fact, many may even grow up to have poor relationships of their own because they are unable to trust and are afraid they might be victimized by such a situation again.

Too many children grow up in such situations without getting the help that they need. Some will eventually seek help from a therapist, others may be too embarrassed to book an appointment and many will not even realize that they can get help after they have left the situation. With the internet becoming such a popular and easy tool these days, more counselors and patients alike are taking advantage of the internet as a way to reach out and communicate. Online counseling is accessible to anyone, including children, who can gain access to the internet. Children, or the parents of children, can easily access online counseling sites from their home or cyber cafe to communicate with an online counselor in regards to their current or previous situation. The online therapist will work with the children of such situations to help them deal with them so that they can move on and develop decent lives. Online therapy can help children to better understand what they are going through and learn different ways of working their way through it. The online therapy can also help the children to help themselves move forward, leave their past behind and work towards a better life for their self. Getting help for children in these kinds of situations can be crucial, because they are at a point in their lives where they are still learning and developing. Without help, they could have a more difficult time in their adult life.

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Saturday, November 1, 2008

What do you do when you have a fear of clowns?

While many will choose to believe that the fear of clowns is plain silly and one can easily deal with the fear on their own, the fear of clowns does exist and it is a real phobia that requires as much attention as any other serious phobia. This particular one tends to be suffered by children, though some teenagers and adults have been known to suffer from it as well. Whether the fear is new or has been there for as long as one can remember, an individual with such a fear should seek help, especially if it is having an adverse affect on their every day lives.

As with most phobias, people who are afraid of clowns, or suffer from coulrophobia, will experience many symptoms that can hinder their clear thinking and/or prevent them from going about their every day lives normally. It could be seeing a clown on television, or it could be seeing someone who is dressed up as a clown in person, either could send someone with such a phobia into a panic attack. When this happens, they may feel shortness of breath, have increased heart rate, might perspire, and/or have a loss of speech. These are just a few of the reactions that can be caused when confronted with what scares a person. It is possible that someone can go through most of their life without much of a worry about clowns, so long as they avoid situations where there might be people dressed up as clowns, such as theme parks or parties; however, ensuring that clowns are avoided can be difficult, especially if the person is very social and knows someone who thinks it's funny to pull a prank on them involving a clown. As always, it is up to the individual to decide they should do, but it is always recommended that one gets help to overcome their fears, or at least deal with them in a controlled way. Uncontrolled fear is unhealthy for both the body and the mind, because it puts a person through extreme stress that can be very hard on the person. Not only can such stress have an adverse affect on the heart when exposed to the fear on many occasions, it can also have an adverse emotional affect on a person.

These days, avoiding the online counselor or online therapist, because one feels uncomfortable with them, is no longer a valid excuse. With internet being easily accessible to most, many online counselors are now offering their services through online therapy to help those who feel more comfortable communicating with someone over the internet. Online counselors are now available to anyone who needs their help, all one has to do is get online and do a quick search for online counseling. Some may have their doubts about going to an online therapist for help to deal with their fear of clowns, but the truth is that online therapy can be quite helpful to those who give it a try. Many have done so and have been helped to deal with their previously uncontrolled fear.

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