Thursday, November 20, 2008

What do you know about teenagers and marijuana?

With all the televisions shows, movies and general stereotypes about teenagers, it’s easy for adults to believe that the majority of all teenagers use marijuana. Despite this common stereotype, few actually use it. In fact, one recent statistic has shown that only about one in every seven teenagers, on average, use marijuana. This is not to say that it’s guaranteed that your teenage will never be persuaded or interested in giving it a try, or becoming addicted to it. There are many reasons for a teenager wanting to try and use the drug, the least of which include stresses at home, school and peer pressure. Being open with your teenager as well as paying attention to changes in their mood and personality can help in catching any possible drug use early. Education and communication between parent and teenager are key when trying to discourage any drug use.

There are many reasons for teenagers to start using marijuana. There are even some teenagers whose parents would never believe they could start using the drug. It all depends on the individual, the stresses in their lives, who they hang out with and who around them might be using it. Peer pressure is a big reason for many teenagers to start using the drug, especially if they are bent on trying to become one of the popular kids. Stress is probably the second largest reason for developing a marijuana habit. It could be that the teen is going through a rough time at home. They could be stressed from their parents going through a divorce, perhaps a close family member has passed away or they may even be having difficulty in their relationship with their parents. The stress could even be a result of their attempt to achieve the high marks in school, which are often not an expectation from themselves as much as it is an expectation from their parents. Regardless of the reason, the use can become a strong addiction that could quickly lead to difficulties in school, relationships and home life.

It is normal for teenagers to experiment and it is not uncommon for some to try a smoke of regular cigarettes or marijuana, but there is always the chance that it could become an addiction they continue for many years if not dealt with. Recognizing that there might be such a problem with a teenager is the first step in a parent working to help discourage their teenager from using the drug. Being open, sitting down with the teen and discussing what could be pushing them to try the drug is a good start in helping the teen. Contacting an online counselor is a good idea as well. For both the parent and teen, trying online counseling can go a long way in helping to fix the possible problems the teen is facing. To contact an online therapist, one only has to do a quick search to find someone available to help the teen. Online therapy is preferred by many theses days and can be a great way for any teen to find the help they need.

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