Monday, July 20, 2009

Anitdepressents for children.

It would seem that a large percentage of the population is on one type of medication or another; some of these people are even on two or more different medications. It seems that there are medications for just about everything, from pain and sickness, to headaches and depression. When most think about these kinds of medications, few will consider the fact that there are many children on these same medications. Children who are on certain medications for physical illnesses or sicknesses need it to get through each day, but what about the medications being given to children who are diagnosed with depression or ADHD?

When subscribing medication to a patient, a doctor must first consider whether it is right for what the patient needs it for. This can be simpler when it is being prescribed for a physical ailment, but it can become a little dicey when it is for the mental aspect. First, one has to consider whether someone is, in fact, depressed and whether this medication would be the right ‘crutch’ for them while they learn how to deal with their thoughts, emotions and resulting actions. When it comes to considering the prescribing of medication, such as anti-depressants, to individuals under the age of eighteen, even more care and caution must be taken. Children, especially those who are entering and going through their teenage years are often affected by chemical imbalances in the brain that often occur when going through adolescence. For some, medication can be quite helpful, but for others, some medications can be problematic in that they can cause the opposite effect. This is not to say that anti-depressants do not work for people under the age of eighteen, it is that care and attention needs to be given to these individuals. Being observant of sudden changes in behavior can also go a long way in determining whether a medication is working or not in a shorter period of time.

Before considering putting a child on any medication, a parent or guardian should first speak to a counselor or therapist. For those who feel the more convenient option, they can contact and speak to an online therapist about the possible problems their young son or daughter is going through. The parent or guardian could even go so far as to have the individual communicate directly with the online counselor in order to give them the opportunity to open up about their issues. Online therapy may seem extreme to many, but by giving it a chance the parent is giving themselves and their child a fair chance to overcome their difficulties. Online counseling can go a long way in helping a young person work through any issues they may have, and it may even help without any need of medication. After all, it is always better that medication is not used, unless it is necessary. It is also important to remember that medication, though it can be helpful, is really only a ‘crutch’ in most cases; something that a patient can use in order to help them to deal with what is really causing them the distress. The long-term solution is ultimately found within, with medication if needed.

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