Thursday, July 9, 2009

Should you take a break from your relationship?

For as long as anyone can remember, relationships have never been easy. For some couples, it may not always seem that it takes a lot of work for them to have a happy, healthy and very long relationship or marriage. For many others, however, it would seem that simply keeping a relationship going is extremely difficult. It all really comes down to what each individual involved is looking to put into their relationship with the other person. How a couple are able to get along and how secure and happy they are within the relationship can also depend in one or both of their personal histories, their self-esteem, confidence, and true interest they really have in being with the other person.

There are many reasons for a relationship to break down or suffer problems, whether between dating couples, engaged people or married couples. Some reasons for difficulties or complications could have to do with work, changes at home, changes at work, a promotion, a sudden move, and difficulties within the family, health problems, and addictions and so on. In many cases, these problems can be dealt with, but there are some that do not make it far because one or both involved are unable to cope with what is going on. If a couple are both interested in making the relationship work regardless of what is going on, and if they are both willing to put in the work necessary, there is the chance that things can be worked out. However, there can never be the guarantee that the relationship will work. In these cases, where things have not improved much and one or both parties involved are not sure if they want to keep trying anymore, there are other options they can try.

Going on a break is what many couples will try when deciding whether or not they want to continue with their current relationship. Most often, couples who go on a break from each other will agree on certain terms and mutually decide on how long they would like to be out of contact for. It could be for a couple weeks, or even a couple months; the point is to get some quiet time from the other person and see if there is anything about the relationship or the person that each miss about the other. By being away from each other, both can learn what they are missing, or not missing from the relationship. By the end of their break term, they come together and decide whether they would like to continue together, or apart. In most cases, neither involved in ‘the break’ date other people; it is simply some time they take for themselves.

While this may seem like a good idea, getting some advice from an online counselor or online therapist is always a good idea first. Taking some online therapy or online counseling can help a couple to get some impartial advice that can help them look at their problems from a different perspective, which could greatly help in improving things.

If you or anyone that you know would care for more information, please visit our website

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